Friday, May 22, 2009

Softball Pictures

Our newest adventure is to take up softball. Saige and Mallory are on the same team this year, which makes it easier on us. They are proud to be the Purple Penguins!
Here they are practicing before their first game with daddy. Catching is awfully hard when you aren't used to using a glove...

Saige as catcher and batting.

Mallory batting & catching...yes she is a lefty!

OK so I have to laugh at Saige off in the field playing in the dirt! Maybe her head isn't in the game like we thought?

Here is Kassidy at the first game. She wasn't feeling much like cheerleading as it was darn chilly. Funny as now the games will be SO hot...
I am sure this experience will bring us many memories. It will be interesting to see if they develop the knack for softball that their Aunt Kelly has! They were thrilled when she was able to make it to one of their games and see them in action. Saige is doing quite well learning to hit the ball when pitched - she hits straight down the 3rd baseline. Mallory is still tiny and having trouble swinging that big heavy bat - but she knocks it off the tee and takes off running very well! She is doing wonderfully for as young as she is.

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